Shorts Financial Services

Shorts are Chartered Financial Planners, one of only a handful of firms in the region to have been awarded this “best in class” status. Achieving Chartered status confirms the most rigorous criteria relating to professional qualifications and ethical good practice has been satisfied.
Financial advisers seem to appear and disappear on our High Streets with alarming regularity. In contrast, Shorts has been providing financial advice for 130 years. This enviable heritage provides assurance to our clients that we are committed for the long-term and will see their plans through to fruition.
Over recent years there have been many changes to legislation within the profession. Despite many advisers choosing to move away from their independent status, we have taken the decision to remain Independent Financial Advisers as we believe this delivers the very best impartial advice.
As Independent Financial Advisers, our range of services includes investments, pensions, will and estate planning and business protection. All of our advisers are Chartered individuals in their own right and they are supported by a dedicated and experienced team of highly qualified staff.
Our reputation is founded on our core values. We are;
Shorts Financial Services
COVID-19 Update
The need for good financial advice has not gone away and we have worked hard to ensure that we can continue to provide advice during this challenging period. Our team members are working safely from home but we are still able to receive, distribute and deal with post. We will continue to provide the usual high standards of service to our existing clients – and welcome new enquiries. Please call 01246 559955 or email